Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

We had a great Christmas and New Year! Addyson got WAY too much stuff. We had lots of fun singing at The Mosier Christmas and we had a great time playing a gift game at the Crawford/Parks Christmas. Mom, Randy, Tess and Hunter all came over Christmas Eve and we opened lots of gifts and watched Addyson play with all of her new toys. Santa was very good to Addyson. She didn't know what to play with first. Granny spent the night with us Christmas Eve and was able to see Addyson get her Santa gifts. It was very special for her to be able to be here. It really meant a lot to me.

New Year's was great too. Well everything but Addyson's ear infection. That's right. Addyson rang in the New Year with her 7th ear infection. HOW WONDERFUL!!!! Rob and Ashlee came over and we had a great time playing the Wii. They are so much fun and such special friends. They helped make New Year's GREAT!!! Hope every one's holiday was as blessed as ours!! (A blog will soon follow about resolutions. I just wanted to get this one up)

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