Saturday, November 8, 2008

Need Prayer

I am going through a really rough time right now with work. I don't get to spend as much time with my family as I want and I do not get to go to church. I am very grateful for the almost 2 years I have been able to stay at home with Addyson, but working weekends is getting the best of me. Please pray that God will open something up for me, even if it is not in my line of work. I miss the little things about being home on the weekends and having the same schedule as the rest of my family. I feel like Addyson is a good age for daycare and I really believe she would enjoy it. That is another prayer...Be praying that God will open up a spot at a good daycare. I know that sounds like A LOT, but I know My God!!!! I will keep you updated on what happens!!!!


April S. said...

I will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I can imagine working the weekends would be hard.

Mrs. in Memphis said...

Hey girlie...I know that kind of schedule is tough. My boyfriend works the weekends, too. I know how much he hates it, so I know you are probably feeling the same way, especially since you have that beautiful fam that you miss seeing. I'll say a prayer that God will do what's best for you! Keep your head up!