Monday, August 4, 2008

The Blog You Have Been Waiting For

Well, maybe not!! :) Anyway-I know it has been about a year since I have posted, but it has just been crazy around here. I promise, I will do better!! Just to kind of get you caught up, we have had vacation bible school, Sam and Noah's 1st birthday and our first merry go round ride that wasn't so merry!!! I am still enjoying being home with Addyson. It seems like she is doing something different every single day and I wouldn't trade anything for the time I get to be with her. She is talking up a storm. Everywhere we go she is talking to people and waving at them. It can be embarrassing at times, but it is really sweet. She can say just about anything you ask her to say. She loves to dance and sing. We are CONSTANTLY entertained. I am going to start potty training very soon. She is telling me when she has poo pooed and peed as well. I just want to make 100% sure she is ready before we start.
We have a few exciting things coming up. We are going on vacation with Mom, Randy, Tess and Hunter the end of September. I am SO excited. Addyson's birthday is the beginning of October. I really can't even believe she is going to be 2. Then, on October 18, we have the March for Babies walk. This is something I feel very strong about. I know without the research and money raised by the March of Dimes, babies like Addyson would not have a chance at life. At first I thought March of Dimes was just for premature babies. After learning more about it, they raise awareness about prematurity, but are also an organization for ALL babies. What is better than that??!!! Tomorrow is the Kick Off Luncheon for the Humboldt walk. They have asked me to share our experience at the luncheon. I am super excited and super nervous!! Be thinking about me!!!
Now onto the pictures!!!

1 comment:

April S. said...

Yay, an update finally!! Addyson is getting so big! I love the new pictures and can't wait to see more! How did your talk go? (I have tried to leave a comment for a few days now and blogger wouldn't let me for some reason.)